Narrow Gate Trekking
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Kilimanjaro, Cape of Good Hope, Skeleton Coast, and Kalahari—words that stir the imagination...

Narrow Gate Trekking (a division of Narrow Gate Tack, Inc.) is the husband-and-wife team of Kerry and Marlies Scott, with outfitter-partners in various parts of Africa. Though the Scotts live on the family farm in the heart of Virginia, their hearts have belonged in Africa since first traveling there in 1996. Now, after ten trips by Kerry and five by Marlies, the Scotts are anxious to show you why they love it so.
Now, imagine seeing these places from the back of a horse...
We are active equestrians, so it makes sense that trail riding is the core activity for most of our itineraries. Narrow Gate Trekking also offers a full range of activities for non-riders. Hiking, biking, paddling, hunting, fishing, even golfing are possibilities on trips.
Our focus is on mixed parties in which some members are happy to spend all day in the saddle while others may wish to do something different, though they wish to travel together. Narrow Gate knows of no other trekking company who has this focus…and this is the way they travel themselves.
This is the adventure that awaits you when you travel in Africa with Narrow Gate Trekking.
There are more than just hours in the saddle on trips with Narrow Gate Trekking. There are good food and drink, good company, well-treated and well-mannered horses, beautiful scenery and a wealth of wildlife to be seen and experienced.
This is Africa, after all...This is the land of endless horizons, star-filled skies, plentiful game, and gentle people who want nothing more than to make sure you enjoy your visit!
Take a moment to visit the Narrow Gate Trekking website. After all, aren't you ready for "the experience of a lifetime"?